release notes
Post date: Apr 12, 2021 3:19:36 PM
Issue 1857 - There is a known issue in the JetBrains 2021.1 releases that creates a runtime conflict with Illuminated Cloud 2 when the Salesforce SOAP client is used. This issue only seems to materialize when the JetBrains Docker and Python plugins are installed and enabled alongside the Illuminated Cloud 2 plugin in 2021.1. This build includes a change to detect this state and prompt the user to disable one or both of the conflicting plugins. If the user declines to disable any plugins, the user is informed that there will be issues and the user should use 2020.3 instead until JetBrains provides a fix for IDEA-266117.
Added an inspection suppressor for when the JavaScript unused declaration inspection flags the default export in an LWC component's ES6 file as unused.